Training Module: Ebooks to link generations

Silver Books aims to use digital books as a tool for inclusion and to build bridges between generations. This training module is aimed at professionals in the social and medico-social sectors, volunteers and anyone wishing to work with older people using digital books.

Unit 1 • Involving seniors in a creative process with a digital tool

In this first unit, you will be able to:

  • Discover how digital tools can be beneficial for seniors.
  • Identify the obstacles and blockages to the use of digital tools.
  • Understand the importance of creating a supportive environment for word collection.
  • Learn how to include seniors that have cognitive disorders.

Unit 2 • Sharing and transmitting know-how / experience through digital books

In this second unit, you will:

  • Understand the overall idea of storytelling, its benefits and its construction.
  • Recognise the different digital book formats and identify the most suitable ones.
  • Discover some diverse examples and inspirations of storytelling.
  • Develop their knowledge of illustration in a digital story.

Unit 3 • Developing digital skills through digital books

In this third unit, you will be able to:

  • Set the parameters for creating your ebook.
  • Discover the characteristics of different software.
  • Define and apply accessibility principles to their layout.
  • Assimilate the creative process of audiobooks and learn how to edit and distribute it.